The Biblical Family with Doug Wilson and Dale Partridge

by Dale Partridge

The center of cultural deterioration is society’s failure to follow God’s design for the family. In this episode of the Theologian Series, pastor Dale Partridge interviews pastor Doug Wilson of Christ Church in Moscow Idaho. Together, they discuss not simply the instruction for family but the overall theology of family presented in the Scriptures.

Doug is not only the author of over 100 books but he’s also the founder of New St. Andrews College, the Host of Man Rampant on Amazon Prime, and has a reputation of being a bold straight shooter when it comes to theology. As you will see, Mr. Wilson understands what the Bible says about family and together he and Dale discuss the theological and cultural implications of having a correct understanding of this essential issue.

Questions Answered this Episode

  1. We live in a world that has forgotten some of life’s most basic truths. We’re seeing emerging experimental models for gender, sexuality, and even the family unit. But as we know, there is only one design for the family. Husband, wife, and child. Can you start by telling us the purpose of the biblical family and what we forfeit as a culture if we attempt to change it?
  2. In my experience, the brokenness of the family is often felt most when we walk outside of our God-given gender roles. Now, in an egalitarian culture, the words “gender roles” are downright offensive. But God has a specific purpose for men and women. Can you remind us, as Christians, both what are the general roles of man and woman and why it’s so important that we walk in them?
  3. The culture is working hard to remove gender distinctions—boy’s clothes look like girl’s clothes and girls are now playing in men’s NCAA football. Is it important to maintain gender distinction in the culture? If so, what purpose does it serve in upholding righteousness in the world? 
  4. Marriage is under extreme attack, and the efforts to distort the union between a man and woman are hostile and severe. Why should Christians refuse to back down from the fight to protect traditional marriage? 
  5. The culture seems to be working hard to influence children to embrace this distorted view of gender, sexuality, and family. What’s our role as Christian parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents, and aunts and uncles to both protect our children from these distortions and train them up in biblical truth?

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