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Should Pastors Enforce Modesty Standards at Church?

Churches must enforce modesty. A woman who comes to church in leggings flaunting her rear, with her stomach showing, or with brazen or braless cleavage, should be sent home. “Come as you are” has limits. ...

Dale Partridge

Pt. 1: Refuting the Catholic Myths of Mary – Perpetual Virginity

Here is the post I referenced, along with the specific claims made by Dr. Marshall, which, in this series, I will thoroughly examine and evaluate in light of both Scripture and church history, providing an ...

Dale Partridge

The Controversy Over King’s Way Church’s Viral Flyer

This past week, a flyer from our local church went viral on X after another pastor posted a slanderous commentary along with a picture of it on his account (seen below). holy smokes this is ...

Dale Partridge

A Year in Reflection: How Stepping Back Helped Me Move Forward

By God’s providence and grace, I was brought to a humbling realization of how embellishments in my words are deceptive and sinful. As a pastor, I am called to be above reproach in all areas, ...

Dale Partridge

Should Christian Men be Physically Strong?

The edelweiss grows at lofty altitudes in the Alps and Pyrenees mountains, where few other plants can survive, clinging to crags of cliffs with almost no soil. It is arguably the strongest flower on earth. ...


The Allure and Danger of the Roman Catholic Church

However, it’s important to note that their reasons for converting center not around the Gospel of Grace but around the church’s long-standing history, traditions, the perception of stability, the religious appeal, and its institutional power. ...

Dale Partridge

The Loss of Your Soul: Urgent Reflections on Your Eternity

The loss of one’s soul encompasses the giving up of all that is precious as eternal beings. It means missing out on Heaven, with its array of honors, joys, and splendors. It signifies being deprived ...


Biblical Patriarchy vs. Complementarianism: a Quick Look at their Distinctions

When the results are bad, it’s time to examine the methods. For the past 35 years, the church has widely adopted what is called complementarianism. This is a theological view that holds men and women ...

Dale Partridge

A Short Defense for a Huge, Outlandish, and Joyful Christmas Celebration

Allow me to explain, from creation to the crucifixion, we have approximately 4,000 years—4,000 years of longing for Christmas. From the promise of Genesis 3:15, where God vows the birth of One who will rescue ...

Dale Partridge

Does God Care About How We Dress at Church?

To this generation, a Sunday assembly that is formal, liturgical, or spiritually reverent can feel distant, impersonal, or lifeless. We prefer an organic, relaxed, and unstructured spiritual experience that prioritizes emotion and warmth over solemnity ...

Dale Partridge

Demonstrating Repentance by Word and Deed

Last month, I published a statement of repentance concerning the misleading language used in my biography regarding my academic credentials. This misrepresentation led many to believe I held a degree when, in truth, I had only completed ...

Dale Partridge

How Dale Partridge Embraced Calvinism, Postmillennialism, And Infant Baptism

I say that because recently, a Christian commentator accused me of making “big theological shifts” at “lightning speed.” While I do have fancy footwork on the dance floor, when it comes to my theology, I’m ...

Dale Partridge

Is Dale Partridge a Plagiarist?

Although I stopped this blatant form of plagiarism after my conversion in late 2014, I struggled with more subtle forms of plagiarism until 2018-2019. Primarily due to the fast-paced nature of creating online content, I ...

Dale Partridge

What’s Going on with Dale’s Pinterest Account?

They came across his Pinterest account, where he had a board titled “Women’s Fashion” with 3,000 pins of just that, women’s fashion. I’m writing this article to help bring clarity to their findings as Dale faced ...

Veronica Partridge

The Need For Demonstrating Repentance by Word and Deed

Last month, I published a statement of repentance (seen at the bottom of this page) concerning the misleading language used in my biography regarding my academic credentials. Though I never stated I had a degree, I wanted ...

Dale Partridge

From Living Room to Sanctuary: Why Dale Partridge is Going from ‘Home Church Pastor’ to ‘Traditional Church Planter’

After being part of a biblical house church for several years, I was sent out to establish our own plant in Bend, Oregon, in 2017. However, due to health reasons, our family relocated to the ...

Dale Partridge

Resolving the Question: Should Women Teach Other Women Theology?

As you may know, this topic has caused a significant discussion regarding biblical boundaries for women and women’s ministries. During this public discussion, several influential women made comments. Some were helpful and respectful, while others ...

Dale Partridge

The Doctrine of Total Depravity—is it Biblical?

Several Scriptures support the doctrine of Total Depravity. In Romans 3:10-12, the Apostle Paul writes, “There is none righteous, not even one; there is none who understands, there is none who seeks for God; all ...


The Doctrine of Irresistible Grace—is it Biblical?

Several Scriptures support the doctrine of Irresistible Grace. In John 6:44, Jesus says, “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him.” Similarly, in Romans 8:30, Paul writes, “And those ...


The Doctrine of Unconditional Election—is it Biblical?

This doctrine has been a significant part of Reformed Theology. It has been defended by several Protestant theologians, including John MacArthur, R.C. Sproul, Martyn Lloyd Jones, Paul Washer, John Piper, and many others. Five Scripture ...


The Doctrine of Limited Atonement—is it Biblical?

This doctrine is based on several scriptural passages, including John 10:11, where Jesus says, “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” Here, Jesus’ death is described as ...


The Doctrine of the Perseverance of the Saints—is it Biblical?

One of the key verses is John 10:28-29, where Jesus says, “I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given ...


A Simple Explanation for the Necessity of the Virgin Birth of Christ

Obviously, this reality is what makes Jesus’ birth not merely natural but supernatural. However, many critics and Christians alike view the virgin birth as some accessory narrative that has been tacked onto the story of ...

Dale Partridge

The Masculinity of Christ in the Face of Effeminate Christianity

Upon arrival, fuel was pouring down the driveway and the aircraft’s engine was still running. My dad, knowing the risky circumstances of broken electrical, the engine’s heat, and loose fuel looked at me and said, ...

Dale Partridge

Why Does God Allow Evil in the World?

The evidence is in, evil is all around us and it’s not slowing down. But why? Why so much brokenness? But more importantly, as Christians, how can we explain why the God of the Bible ...

Dale Partridge

A Written Presentation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

I once heard a man say, “All humans know they have something to be forgiven for, but not all humans know who they must be forgiven by.” I believe this is true. In fact, the ...

Dale Partridge

If God Predestines People, Why Evangelize?

This is an understandable curiosity. After all, in John 6:37 Jesus says, “All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will certainly not cast out.” ...

Dale Partridge

What Does a Cessationist Believe?

As a Seminary graduate and pastor who is convinced of the cessationist position, I have created a brief and practical Statement of Explanation in hopes that it may benefit those, who through the careful reading ...

Dale Partridge

What is the One True Mission of the Church?

Some have called this mercy-centric missiology the “social justice gospel” while other, more conservative, proponents may argue it to be a “fully-integrated gospel.” Now, it’s obvious that both Jesus and His Apostles support and even ...

Dale Partridge

The Critical Differences Between Calvinism and Arminianism

How can I be right with my Maker? How was I made right with my Maker? The first is a futuristic discovery. The second is a historical investigation. The first must obviously precede the second ...

Dale Partridge

Get Notified About the New House Church Book

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Dale Partridge

The Difference Between Topical and Expository Preaching

Expository preaching and topical preaching need not be like the familiar buddy-cop story we find often in movies like Lethal Weapon, Men in Black, or most of Bruce Willis’s catalog. In these common stories, it ...

Keifer Navey

Four Types of Church Members Who Destroy The Flock

As pastors, shepherds, and lay-leaders in a local house church, we must not only be vigilant in regards to who is admitted into our church’s membership but also watchful within our members to recognize and ...

Dale Partridge

Book Review: The New Breed by Jonathan McKee and Thomas W. McKee

Regardless of the size of your church, volunteers are its lifeblood – those willing to give of their time to use their spiritual gifts to build up the body of Christ. Unfortunately, volunteers are hard ...

Jason Barker

Book Review: Everyday Matters by Brandon D. Crowe

Enter: Every Day Matters by Dr. Brandon Crowe, associate professor of New Testament at Westminster Theological Seminary. Crowe gives you the reasons and tools on how to build a productive life all to the glory ...

Keifer Navey

Book Review: Superheroes Can’t Save You by Todd Miles

People also love heresies. That’s a crazy left turn, isn’t it? But it’s also true. Through the centuries of the Church, the orthodox has always had to fight to hold the line on sound biblical ...

Keifer Navey

Book Review: Reformed Preaching by Joel Beeke

One of these recent magnificent volumes is Reformed Preaching by Joel Beeke. It is no exaggeration when I say that I used two highlighters with this book. Literally, every single page in this book is ...

Keifer Navey

Book Review: A Theology of Biblical Counseling by Heath Lambert

What followed was a few one-on-one meetings in which I asked questions, offered platitudes and advice, and, generally speaking, was completely unhelpful. I was unprepared to provide biblical counsel, so I just provided counsel, which ...

Jason Barker

Book Review: The Bruised Reed by Richard Sibbes

Originally written in 1630, The Bruised Reed is one of Sibbe’s most well-known and well-loved works. In it, Sibbe’s displays why he was often referred to as “the heavenly Doctor Sibbes” by his contemporaries – ...

Jason Barker

Book Review: The Mortification of Sin by John Owen

Nevertheless, new heights of spiritual understanding and gold nuggets of wisdom are what await the Christian who perseveres and completes Owens most well-known work: The Mortification of Sin. Thankfully, Richard Rushing has made the task ...

Jason Barker

Book Review: The Hope of Israel: The Resurrection of Christ in the Acts of the Apostles by Dr. Brandon D. Crowe

Visit the shelves of Christian bookstores (if you can find one) and you’ll come across book after book with an emphasis on the Cross or the Gospel in its name or subtitle. “Christ-Centered” this or ...

Keifer Navey

Book Review: Dear Timothy by Tom Ascol

Overview As I’ve written elsewhere, the Pastoral Epistles are essential reading for any and all ministers, elders, deacons, and leaders in the Church. Two of three epistles are addressed to a young pastor in Ephesus ...

Keifer Navey

Book Review: The Shepherd Leader by Timothy Z. Witmer

In many churches, however, pastors and elders do not prioritize shepherding the flock and function more like a Board of Directors, making decisions, but failing to lead as God intended. As a result, Christians grow ...

Dale Partridge

Can We Trust the Inerrancy, Authority, and Accuracy of Scripture?

More and more secularists are finally discovering that the source of their ideological opposition (a.k.a. Christians, conservatives, and traditionalists) is not rooted in philosophy or in politics but in Scripture. That is, the reason these ...

Dale Partridge

Four Reasons You Should Preach Through The Old Testament

It was then that I realized the gaping hole in my preaching. Much like a musician who only practiced scales and never melody, my preaching lacked cadence and unity. With the next five principles, I’d ...

Keifer Navey

Book Review: Why Children Matter by Doug Wilson

Sometimes we need to know how to help an angry seven-year-old process his emotions. At other times we are looking for tips on how to potty train our youngest so we can finally be done ...

Jason Barker

Five Reasons You Should Study the Pastoral Epistles

While bound and imprisoned, the Apostle Paul makes it his top priority to write three brief letters to two young pastors, Timothy and Titus. Timothy was in the popular Greek city of Ephesus while Titus ...

Keifer Navey

The High Cost of Neglecting Church Discipline

However, this moral incapacity is not limited to toddlers on the playground or immature adults at the office—it is far more integrated than we might imagine. In fact, this soft-sided, egg-shell-walking, therapy-driven approach to addressing ...

Alex Zenk

Book Review: Family Shepherds by Voddie Baucham

Could it be that a single, simple misunderstanding is to blame? While we most often think of the local church as the preferred venue for making disciples, God principally tasked another institution with that responsibility: ...

Jason Barker

How God Saved, Freed, and Reformed Dale Partridge—A Personal Testimony

Our family was as average as you could find. We fit the all-American mold as nicely as the last piece of a puzzle being pushed into place. If you’ve ever seen the show The Wonder ...

Dale Partridge

Why Tithing is Biblical but it’s Not Christian

So where do we get this concept of tithing, and why do so many pastors preach that Christians should tithe? Let me explain. In the Old Testament, Jacob, whose name was changed to Israel (see ...

Dale Partridge

How To Find A Godly Man In A Godless World

Now before I start, this article is going to upset three groups of Christian readers. First, immature Christian men. In a culture being overtaken by an ungodly form of feminism, men are increasingly feeling intimidated. ...

Dale Partridge

Why Praying For The Strength To Quit Pornography Won’t Help You

Sadly, this is the same type of prayer dialogue Christian porn users have with God. A conversation where men (and women) kneel down and beg for the freedom, victory, and strength that God has already ...

Dale Partridge

Christians, Being Anti-Abortion Doesn’t Make You Pro-Life

If you haven’t noticed, there’s a blood-filled gap between what the church believes and what the church does. Unfortunately, this inconsistency isn’t exclusive to abortion. Because of the church’s lethargy in effecting culture, it has ...

Dale Partridge

How Leaving The Institutional Church Brought Us Closer To Jesus

They told us that it was a biblical church. Yet, for two years, adultery was occurring right in front of us—and not one person knew about it. Each week, we, along with seven other couples ...

Simon Villeneuve
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