Should Christian Families Include Santa Clause?

by Dale Partridge

Every December we get Christian families asking about the incorporation of Santa Clause in their Christmas tradition. The question we must ask ourselves is, “What does Santa Clause have to do with the birth of Christ?” Better yet, “Does Santa Clause complement or compete against the true reason for the season?”

In this episode of Real Christianity, pastor Dale Partridge confronts these questions by reviewing the history of Santa Clause, the spiritual implications of his inclusion in the Advent season, and what the Bible teaches regarding fictitious characters like Santa.

This Episode’s Question

“Pastor Dale, I was raised in a Christian home but we still did Santa Clause every Christmas. I now have three little children 6 and under and my husband and I have a check in our spirit about including Santa Clause and reindeer and elves in our Christmas season. Are we overthinking this or is this a conviction that we can back up with Scripture?”

Julianne -Jackson, Tennessee

Additional Resources

The Ultimate App of Theological Audiobooks and eBooks for the Family

Scripture References

  • Ephesians 4:25

    “Therefore, laying aside falsehood, speak truth each one of you with his neighbor, for we are members of one another.”

  • Revelation 1:14

    “His head and His hair were white like white wool, like snow; and His eyes were like a flame of fire.”

  • Revelation 19:13

    “He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God.”

  • Psalm 48:2

    “Beautiful in elevation, the joy of the whole earth, Is Mount Zion in the far north, The city of the great King.”

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After watching or listening to this episode, what is your opinion? Do you have any questions or comments? Maybe you have something to add to the discussion? If so, let us know in the comments below.

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