How to Protect Your Kids From Transgenderism with Dale and Veronica Partridge

by Dale Partridge & Veronica Partridge

In a world where children are surrounded by hundreds of expressions of sexual perversion, it’s imperative that Christian parents are intentional to guard the eyes and minds of their little ones.

When it comes to transgenderism and homosexuality, the best defense is a good offense. Namely, Christian parents must affirm their child’s God-given gender identity. In addition, they must offer tangible and faithful examples of biblical marriage and family.

In this special edition of Real Christianity, pastor Dale Partridge is joined by his wife Veronica Partridge to discuss Dale’s newest children’s book “Jesus and My Gender.”

Additional Links

The Ultimate App of Theological Audiobooks and eBooks for the Family

Join the Fight Against Trans Theory

Get Dale Partridge's first kid's book "Jesus and My Gender". Each page is supported by Scripture references and includes a 5-question biblical catechism to instill these truths in the minds of young people.


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