Ephesians Bible Study Part 5: Finding Unity in Our Identity

by Dale Partridge

With ecumenical movements calling for different faiths to come together in spite of doctrinal differences, unity is has become an abused term in the modern church. Yes, we need unity but never at the cost of purity. We must fight for both.

Listen to Ephesians Bible Study Part 4 – The Boldest Prayer Ever Prayed

Today, in this fifth part of our eight-week Bible study in Ephesians, pastor Dale Partridge looks to Ephesians 4:1-6 to extract a biblical definition of unity. But more than that, pastor Dale demonstrates how this passage of Scripture not only presents the call to Christian unity but also the grounds for our unity. Listen in as Dale shares the five ways Christians are to walk and the seven bonds that unify us.

Takeaway Lesson: Walk as one because you are one.

Individual and Small Group Questions

  1. Out of the five ways to walk in Christian unity, which one is most seen in your life and which one is least seen in your life?
  2. Have you ever been abandoned by another Christian? Have you ever neglected reconciliation? How has the command to “bear with one another in love” changed your perspective on how to handle Christian conflict?
  3. Does understanding the seven bonds of union change how you view other believers?

Block Diagram of Ephesians 4:1-6

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After watching or listening to this episode, what is your opinion? Do you have any questions or comments? Maybe you have something to add to the discussion? If so, let us know in the comments below.

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