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Part 5: Postmillennialism and the Kingdom Parables

We even discussed the gradual salvation of the world. Today, we’re continuing our exploration of the parables, focusing on two pivotal Kingdom parables and their implications for a postmillennial perspective. So, get ready for another ...

Real Christianity

Part 4: How God Gradually Saves the World

Unveiling the concept that the resurrection of Christ will outpace and outperform the fall of Adam, this episode promises to ignite thought and reflection on the victorious nature of Christ’s redemption. Join us as we ...

Real Christianity

Part 3: How the Gospel Ought to Shape Society

By examining the holistic implications of the gospel, Pastor Dale sheds light on how embracing its truths can lead to positive societal change and the advancement of God’s kingdom on earth. Through real-life examples and ...

Real Christianity

Part 2: The Paralysis of Pessimistic Eschatology

Consider, for a moment, the mindset required to initiate a project that your great-great-great-grandchildren might witness completed. It’s a testament to kingdom thinking and a reflection on what it means to contribute to something enduring ...

Real Christianity

Part 1: The Paralysis of Pessimistic Eschatology

Additionally, we’ll be discussing the concept of Dominion, drawing from the Genesis 1:28 Dominion mandate: “Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea, the ...

Real Christianity

A Biblical Definition of Glory

To add depth to our discussion, we’ll draw insights from 1 Corinthians 11:7-9, shedding light on the biblical foundation of this concept and its relevance to our everyday lives. Stay tuned for an insightful exploration ...

Real Christianity

Does God Care What We Wear to Church?

This discussion is pivotal in our relaxed culture, and shows the importance of not just focusing on the internal heart change, but allowing the internal change to be boldly displayed externally. Additional Links

Real Christianity

Christ & Chronic Illness Pt. 4: A Theology of Pharmaceuticals, Supplements, Diets, & Tools for Wellness

Our journey has been grounded in the understanding that God’s desire for healing is not to be equated with a prosperity gospel, nor is it a guarantee of immediate relief from suffering. Rather, we’ve explored ...

Real Christianity

Christ & Chronic Illness Pt. 3: A Biblical Lifestyle for Healing

In this episode, Dale explores the concept of not allowing our emotions to guide us in the context of chronic illness. Instead, we’ll discuss how our emotions should be shaped by the timeless truth found ...

Real Christianity

Christ & Chronic Illness Pt. 2: Suffering like Christ

Our conversation points to the parallels between suffering and our life in Christ, shedding light on the transformative power of faith and endurance in the face of physical trials. Join us as we walk through ...

Real Christianity

Christ & Chronic Illness Pt. 1: My Story

In this episode, Dale shares his personal experience with mold toxicity and delves into its impact on his life, family, and ministry. Additional Links

Real Christianity

The Cultural Obsession of Pet Idolatry

G.K. Chesterton once spoke to this relationship between pet praise and the rejection of children. He said, “Wherever there is animal worship, there is human sacrifice.” In this episode of Real Christianity, Dale explores what ...

Real Christianity

What is Marriage?

In this episode of Real Christianity, Dale Partridge discusses how marriage is more than just a relationship, but rather is a sacred covenant between one man and one woman, established, ordained, and defined by God ...

Real Christianity

A Biblical Defense for Infant Baptism

I recently shared my theological journey towards embracing infant baptism in an article where I discussed my evolving beliefs. This transformation unfolded slowly over the course of several years, during which I engaged in extensive ...

Real Christianity

Should Women Teach Theology to Other Women?

We are witnessing a concerning trend where more and more women are taking on the task of providing theological shepherding exclusively for other women, from women’s theology conferences and workshops to female-focused podcasts and video ...

Real Christianity

Romans 4:22-25: Two Vital Truths of the Christian Faith

And so in the same way Abraham trusted God regarding the seemingly impossible promises that were given to him in Genesis. We can trust God regarding the seemingly impossible promises that are given to us. ...

Real Christianity

Romans 4:16-21: God’s Unique Way To Strengthen Our Faith

Now, we’re currently in the fourth chapter, but we’re really in the third section as it pertains to theological concepts. Paul answers the question of why are the covenant promises realized strictly by faith alone. ...

Real Christianity

Romans 4:13-17: The Distinction Between Faith & Works

Many Christians have blurred the line between faith and works, and need to see that there are dramatic distinctions between these two things. Faith is a gift of God, and the Christian’s work is something ...

Real Christianity

Romans 4:9-12: The Purpose of the Sacraments

This blessing of salvation in Christ is something that occurs before any sacraments are performed. Just as Abraham was justified before he was circumcised, so too we are justified through faith which leads to obedience. ...

Real Christianity

Romans 4:4-8: Stop Working For Your Salvation

Romans 4:4-8 is an important reminder that salvation cannot be earned through our own efforts or adherence to the law, and shows our faith is a gift from God and that salvation is only possible ...

Real Christianity

Romans 4:1-3: The Difference Between Obedience and Legalism

So, how does this look for us today? Since we are on the other side of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection, we are looking back at all of the promises that God has fulfilled. But, ...

Real Christianity

Romans 3:28-31: Do Christians Have to Obey the Old Testament Law?

What does this mean for Christians and the Law (the Ten Commandments)? Since the Law is fulfilled by Christ does it still have a purpose for Christians? If we’re not saved by our obedience but ...

Real Christianity

Romans 3:27-28: The Fallacy of Free Will

Ultimately, Scripture teaches that all that we have—from our heartbeat to our faith—is a gift from God (Eph. 2:8-9). This is an essential truth to grasp as we live in a time where many Christians ...

Real Christianity

Romans 3:25b-26: The Justice and Justification of God

The Gospel teaches us that no sin will go unpunished. The penalty for man’s sin will either be laid upon the Savior or laid upon the sinner. In this episode, pastor Dale Partridge continues his ...

Real Christianity

A Simple Introduction to Postmillennialism with Dale Partridge and Joel Webbon

In this episode of Real Christianity, pastor Dale Partridge is joined by pastor Joel Webbon to cover the landscape of the end-times debate while also sharing the basics of their eschatological position—postmillennialism. Additional Links

Real Christianity

Romans 3:23-25a: The Three-Piece Plan of Salvation

The order of salvation is fundamental. Without a clear hold of this process, there is no reference point for further theological truths. In this episode, pastor Dale Partridge explains the three-part process of justification, redemption, ...

Real Christianity

Romans 3:20-22: The Heart-Shattering Grace of the Gospel

Like the sun of our solar system, the entire Bible rotates around this section of Scripture. In this episode of Real Christianity, join pastor Dale Partridge as he preaches through this essential passage and discusses ...

Real Christianity

How to Protect Your Kids From Transgenderism with Dale and Veronica Partridge

When it comes to transgenderism and homosexuality, the best defense is a good offense. Namely, Christian parents must affirm their child’s God-given gender identity. In addition, they must offer tangible and faithful examples of biblical ...

Real Christianity

Romans 3:19-20: Are You A Legalist?

In this episode of Real Christianity, Pastor Dale Partridge continues his exposition of Romans 3:19-20 wrapping up the final portion of Paul’s denunciation of legalism. In the previous episode, Dale taught on the doctrine of ...

Real Christianity

Can I Expect My Kids to be Saved? Yes, Here’s Why…

Ultimately, this discussion is intended to offer hope to any Christian parent concerned for the souls of their children. We should have an expectant hope for what God will do in the life of our ...

Real Christianity

Romans 3:13-18: Total Depravity: The Wickedness of Humanity

This can not happen without the work of the Great Physician, Jesus Christ. When God causes us to be born again, He unites our hearts to Him through the Person and work of our Lord ...

Real Christianity

Romans 3:9-12: Total Depravity: Why No Man Can Come To God

According to Scripture, man’s central flaw is his spiritual deadness. A state of the soul that is not righteous, cannot comprehend the Gospel and does not seek for God. It’s a confirmation that no man ...

Real Christianity

Christian Nationalism—A Biblical Definition with Jeff Durbin and Dale Partridge

In short, yes. In this special edition episode where pastor Dale Partridge and pastor Jeff Durbin discuss the theological implications and validity of this religious label. They each run through what Christian Nationalism really means, ...

Real Christianity

Romans 3:1-4: How Covenantal Thinking Will Change Your Relationship With God

So if visible covenant inclusion does not equal salvation, what is the value of being in God’s covenant community? This exact question is anticipated by the Apostle Paul in Romans 3:1-4. Join pastor Dale Partridge ...

Real Christianity

Romans 2:25-29: Why Salvation Requires A Changed Heart

In Romans 2:25-29, Paul is preparing his audience for this point. Namely, he is tearing down any and every religious practice that the Jews had placed redemptive hope. His focus in these verses is to ...

Real Christianity

Romans 2:17-23: How Religion Will Send You To Hell

Legalism, the practice of law-following to make yourself righteous before God, was and still is commonplace among the Jews. But more than that, it is commonplace among people within the church. In this passage of ...

Real Christianity

Romans 2:14-16: The Role Of The Conscience In Salvation

In this episode of Real Christianity, pastor Dale Partridge exposits Romans 2:14-16 which demonstrates the role of the conscience in salvation. Can people who have never heard of the moral Law of God still be ...

Real Christianity

Romans 2:12-13: The Inescapable Condemnation of God’s Law

In this episode of Real Christianity, pastor Dale Partridge exposits Romans 2:12-13, which demonstrates the universal and inescapable condemnation of God’s Law. What is the purpose of the Law? And if Jesus fulfilled the Law, ...

Real Christianity

Romans 2:6-11: The Coming Judgement of Jesus Christ

The answers to these questions are essential for Christians to understand the balance between resting in Christ for justification and working in Christ for their reward in heaven. In this episode of Real Christianity, Pastor ...

Real Christianity

Killing Feminism with Biblical Womanhood

In this episode, pastor Dale Partridge interviews author and filmmaker Rebekah Merkle on the topic of biblical womanhood and her new anti-feminism documentary “Eve in Exile.” Together, they approach tough theological issues revolving around gender ...

Real Christianity

Romans 2:1-5: How to Spot a Legalistic Church

the Bible teaches that salvation is monergistic. Namely, God does all of it. He initiates it and He secures it. As a result, we can give all the glory to God for our redemption. However, ...

Real Christianity

Why Every Christian Must Share the Gospel

In this episode of Real Christianity, pastor Dale Partridge shares the three reasons why Christians are so hesitant to engage with this Great Commission work. But more than that, Dale shares about Relearn.org’s newest ministry ...

Real Christianity

Romans 1:28-32: The Tragic Ending for Every Atheist

In this episode of Real Christianity, pastor Dale Partridge covers the last verses of this opening chapter and unpacks the climactic and tragic results for the atheist. Namely, the absolute divine withdrawal that leads to ...

Real Christianity

Romans 1:26-27: Homosexuality: The Sum of Self-Worship

While many theologians have focused squarely on the moral weight of this important issue, pastor Dale Partridge reveals how sexual perversion is a physical result of God’s withdrawal from those who have rejected Him. In ...

Real Christianity

Romans 1:24-25 How God Deals with Atheists

In this episode of Real Christianity, pastor Dale Partridge looks to Romans 1:24-25 to unpack God’s “handing over” of those individuals who have rejected Him. But more than that, we look to the substance of ...

Real Christianity

Three Biblical Actions to Take During ‘Pride Month’

Companies, government agencies, sports teams, and celebrities will bow down to the god of the LGBT sex religion and will expect Christians to continue to patronize their brands without resistance. So, what are Christians to ...

Real Christianity

Romans 1:18-23: The Evidence for God in Creation

In this episode, pastor Dale Partridge demonstrates how atheists are left without an excuse. Namely, they have been given sufficient evidence of the all-powerful and eternal God through the things that are made. But although ...

Real Christianity

Why You Must Commit to a Biblical Church

This autonomous mindset has manifested most prevalently in the way Christians view the church. In a very real way, most Christians have a phobia of commitment. They fear accountability and biblical transparency. As a result, ...

Real Christianity

Romans 1:17: The Doctrine of Justification by Faith Alone

Interestingly, it was Romans 1:17 that became the key that unlocked the Protestant Reformation. Namely, it was this verse that the Lord used to convert Martin Luther in 1510 and ignite the flame of the ...

Real Christianity

Romans 1:16: How to Overcome Fear When Sharing the Gospel

In this episode, we look to not only the reasons people reject the Gospel but also how that rejection cannot influence our willingness to preach it. In other words, we will see why some Christians ...

Real Christianity

Romans 1:8-15: The Test of True Christian Love

In this episode of Real Christianity, pastor Dale Partridge preaches through Romans 1:8-15 where the Apostle continues his salutation to the Roman Christians. In this passage, it becomes evident that Paul both loves and longs ...

Real Christianity

Romans 1:1-7: Can We Trust the Writings of the Apostles?

Now the word “catholic” here simply means universal, not Roman Catholic. That is, the creed states a belief in one church that is holy, universal, and apostolic. What does it mean to have an apostolic church? ...

Real Christianity

Romans: An Introduction to the World’s Greatest Book

In this episode, pastor Dale Partridge begins his journey preaching through this important New Testament book. However, it is always wise to examine the terrain prior to embarking on any journey. For that reason, Dale ...

Real Christianity

What ‘Where Two or Three are Gathered’ Really Means

It went something like this: “Lord we know that where two or three gather together there you are in the midst and Lord, here we are…” Unfortunately, the passage he referenced was grossly misapplied. The ...

Real Christianity

Should Christians Judge? If So, How?

After a more careful examination, it becomes clear that Jesus’ words cannot be a carte blanche command. So what does Jesus mean in this passage? How are Christians to think about judgment and justice? In ...

Real Christianity

The Basics of Biblical Manhood with Brian Sauve and Eric Conn

In this episode, pastor Dale Partridge interviews pastor Brian Sauve and theologian Eric Conn about the basics of biblical manhood. Together, they look at the Bible’s definition of manhood, the culture’s perversion of manhood, and ...

Real Christianity

The Meaning of “By His Stripes You Were Healed”

This is Part 2 of our Misused and Abused Scripture Series. Listen to Part 1 titled: “Does God Really Not Wish That Any Should Perish? 2 Peter 3:9” This interpretation belongs within the greater prosperity ...

Real Christianity

Does God Really Not Wish That Any Should Perish? 2 Peter 3:9

In this episode, pastor Dale Partridge starts a short series covering four of the most misused and abused passages of Scripture. 2 Peter 3:9 states, “The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some ...

Real Christianity

Ephesians Bible Study Part 8: The Six Weapons of Spiritual Warfare

Listen to Ephesians Bible Study Part 7: The Biblical Roles of a Husband and Wife In this episode, pastor Dale Partridge teaches on the famous “Armor of God” passage in Ephesians 6:10-17. Dale helps listeners ...

Real Christianity

Ephesians Bible Study Part 7: The Biblical Roles of Husband and Wife

Listen to Ephesians Bible Study Part 6: Identity Determines Activity The same is true in marriage. God has provided clear roles and rules for husbands and wives that make a path for marital success and ...

Real Christianity

Ephesians Bible Study Part 6: Identity Determines Activity

Listen to Ephesians Bible Study Part 5 – Finding Unity in our Identity Who we are will determine how we will behave. If you are of the world, you will walk like the world. If ...

Real Christianity

Ephesians Bible Study Part 5: Finding Unity in Our Identity

Listen to Ephesians Bible Study Part 4 – The Boldest Prayer Ever Prayed Today, in this fifth part of our eight-week Bible study in Ephesians, pastor Dale Partridge looks to Ephesians 4:1-6 to extract a ...

Real Christianity

Ephesians Bible Study Part 4 – The Boldest Prayer Ever Prayed

Listen to Ephesians Bible Study Part 3 – How to Cherish the Grace of God In this episode of Real Christianity, pastor Dale Partridge looks to Ephesians 3:14-21 to exposit what has been called by ...

Real Christianity

Ephesians Bible Study Part 3 – How to Cherish the Grace of God

Listen to Ephesians Bible Study Part 2 – Our Identity in Christ However, we cannot grasp the depths of these realities until we grasp the darkness of our story. One theologian famously said, “The worse ...

Real Christianity

Ephesians Bible Study Part 2 – Our Identity in Christ

Listen to Ephesians Bible Study Part 1 – The Treasury of the New Testament In this episode, pastor Dale Partridge looks to verses 1:3-6 and unpacks the rich blessings given to Christians in Christ. The ...

Real Christianity

Ephesians Bible Study Part 1 – The Treasury of the New Testament

In this episode of Real Christianity, pastor Dale Partridge starts an eight-week study through the book of Ephesians in hopes to bring believers deep into the hope we have in Christ. This is session one ...

Real Christianity

The Kind of Men The Church Needs

But what has also been clarified is how few true, biblical, faithful ministers are out there. We have been made aware of the great need for more mission-minded, Gospel-focused, and Bible-committed men. In this episode, ...

Real Christianity

7 Essentials For Increasing Your Biblical Literacy

In this episode of Real Christianity, pastor Dale Partridge offers seven supplemental resources for Christians to strengthen their biblical and theological literacy. Seven Essentials for Biblical Literacy This list may seem overwhelming. Don’t allow it ...

Real Christianity

A Christian Defense for the Celebration of Christmas

While our ministry celebrates the freedom Christians have in Christ to make such a choice, we also believe in the call to reason with one another in love. In this episode, pastor Dale Partridge looks ...

Real Christianity

Spiritual Death, Spiritual Life, and the Need to Be Born-Again

In this episode of Real Christianity, pastor Dale Partridge takes listeners through a systematic study of the concept of “death as separation” and explains how our dead status necessitates God as the initiator of salvation. ...

Real Christianity

7 Ways to Prepare Your Children for the Spiritual War that Awaits Them

As parents, we must equip our children to remain faithful in the face of adversity. In this episode of Real Christianity, Pastor Dale Partridge offers parents seven actions that will prepare children for the spiritual ...

Real Christianity

Conquering Anxiety Through Gospel Promises

In this episode of Real Christianity, pastor Dale Partridge exposits the words of Jesus in Matthew 6:25-34 in an attempt to clarify his teaching on the issues of anxiety. But more than that, Dale aims ...

Real Christianity

A Biblical Argument Against Vaccine Passports for the Local Church

By looking at James 2:1-9 which speaks to the sin of partiality, Partridge examines how this passage applies to the idea of class distinctions (vaccinated and unvaccinated) in the modern local church. Additionally, he demonstrates ...

Real Christianity

A Biblical Case Against Vaccine Mandates

In this episode of Real Christianity, pastor Dale Partridges tackles these questions with Scripture and offers three principles to support Christians in their examination of the vaccination issue. Resources Founding Freedoms Law Center offers several ...

Real Christianity

Vital Lessons From Church History with Dustin Benge and Dale Partridge

Dr. Benge is the Provost and professor of church history and preaching at Union School of Theology in the United Kingdom. Dr. Benge is the author of several books and is the host of the ...

Real Christianity

Overcoming the Fear of Man with Tom Ascol and Dale Partridge

Today, more than ever, Christians are compromising with the culture and watering down the truth for fear of being hated, politically persecuted, or “canceled.” In this episode, Dr. Ascol offers Christians practical advice for remaining ...

Real Christianity

The Basics of Biblical Apologetics with James White and Dale Partridge

Dr. White is the author of nearly 30 books and is one the world’s leading apologists. He specializes in a defense against false religions like Mormonism, The Jehovah’s Witnesses, The Roman Catholic Church, and Islam. ...

Real Christianity

The Vital Need for Expository Preaching with Steve Lawson and Dale Partridge

Dr. Lawson is the professor of preaching at the Doctor of Ministry program at The Master’s Seminary and he’s the author of nearly 40 books. Dr. Lawson was Dale’s preaching professor and has become a ...

Real Christianity

The Biblical Family with Doug Wilson and Dale Partridge

Doug is not only the author of over 100 books but he’s also the founder of New St. Andrews College, the Host of Man Rampant on Amazon Prime, and has a reputation of being a ...

Real Christianity

A Biblical Response to Ravi Zacharias

Questions from the church have filled the internet: “Does this mean that Mr. Zacharias was not really a Christian?” or “Should Christians still continue to consume his content?” and “Was his life’s ministry a waste?” ...

Real Christianity

A Biblical View of Spiritual Gifts

For instance, we are seeing more and more Christians embracing modern prophecy, healers, and self-proclaimed apostles. But the question remains, is this biblical? In this episode of Real Christianity, pastor Dale Partridge looks to Scripture ...

Real Christianity

Do People Have Free Will To Choose or Reject Christ?

The first view believes that humans, prior to Christ, can freely accept or reject the Gospel. The second view believes that humans will always reject the Gospel unless God sovereignly regenerates them through a spiritual ...

Real Christianity

Does Social Justice Belong in the Church?

Now the biblical term for social good is mercy ministry. In this episode of Real Christianity, pastor Dale Partridge looks to Scripture to not only see how mercy ministry plays a role in the Christian ...

Real Christianity

The Future of the American Church under a Liberal Government

Pastor Dale Partridge aims at answering this question and more on this episode of Real Christianity. This Episode’s Question Additional Resources Link: ReformationSeminary.com Link: Relearn.org/notify Video: What is a biblical house church? Article: What should ...

Real Christianity

Should Christians Dress Up For Church?

In this episode of Real Christianity, pastor Dale Partridge shares his insight on the matter of how to dress for church. This Episode’s Question Additional Resources Video: Why Do I Wear a Coat and Tie? ...

Real Christianity

How to Form the Discipline of Daily Devotion

In this episode of Real Christianity, pastor Dale Partridge gets down to the root of the American church’s fickle and lethargic commitment to the Word of God.  This Episode’s Question Additional Resources Book: Voices from ...

Real Christianity

Why We Need Confessional Christianity in a Clueless Christian Culture

In this episode of Real Christianity, pastor Dale Partridge tackles how we can discern genuine believers from deceived religious groups, cultic movements, and heretics. This Episode’s Question

Real Christianity

Why The Virgin Birth is Vital to Salvation

In this episode of Real Christianity, pastor Dale Partridge confronts these questions by reviewing why the virgin birth is so vital to salvation. This Episode’s Question Additional Resources Article: Adam’s Fall and Mine RC Sproul ...

Real Christianity

Should Christian Families Include Santa Clause?

In this episode of Real Christianity, pastor Dale Partridge confronts these questions by reviewing the history of Santa Clause, the spiritual implications of his inclusion in the Advent season, and what the Bible teaches regarding ...

Real Christianity

Disproving the Hebrew Roots Movement

The Scriptures stand firmly against this group as they attempt to dismantle the covenant of grace and run back to the burden of the Law. Unfortunately, many Christians are deceived to join this movement due ...

Real Christianity

Overcoming Fear in Evangelism

In this episode of Real Christianity, pastor Dale Partridge discusses the two common preventions of faithful evangelism—the fear of man and disobedience. In short order, Dale calls Christians to view evangelism in light of both ...

Real Christianity

Does God Create Some People For Hell?

In other words, how can a loving God allow people to go to hell? Isn’t God all-powerful? Psalm 135:6 says, “Whatever the Lord pleases, he does, in heaven and on earth, in the seas and ...

Real Christianity

Being Mission-Minded in a Broken Western Culture

In other words, as followers of Christ, what is our duty in upholding righteousness and pursuing peace? Further, what role does the Gospel play in restoring order to our fallen culture? Pastor Dale Partridge tackles ...

Real Christianity

Does the Bible Call Christians to Vote?

Sadly, many Christians have elevated their American identity above their spiritual identity. That is, we have believers who, whether they intend to or not, present themselves as patriots first and Christians second. Where does Christ ...

Real Christianity

Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?

In today’s episode, pastor Dale Partridge not only offers listeners the history of Halloween but also looks at the Scriptures to locate helpful principles for Christians looking to better understand the spiritual implications of this ...

Real Christianity

Four Types of Church Members Who Destroy The Flock

As pastors, shepherds, and lay-leaders in a local house church, we must not only be vigilant in regards to who is admitted into our church’s membership but also watchful within our members to recognize and ...

Real Christianity

How to Have a Greater Appreciation For Your Salvation

In Ephesians 2:1-9, the Apostle Paul gives Christians a sobering account of our previous spiritual state and the magnificent grace of God through Jesus Christ. In this episode of Real Christianity, pastor Dale Partridge helps ...

Real Christianity

How to Prepare Yourself and Your Family for Church

How can Christians come to church with a more biblical posture? What practices can Christians adopt to help their local church culture experience greater edification and fruitfulness? In this episode of Real Christianity, Dale Partridge ...

Real Christianity

How to Break Free From Pornography

In this episode of Real Christianity, Dale looks at what the scriptures say about people who wallow in long-term and habitual sin. But more importantly, he offers the only true solution for breaking the bondage ...

Real Christianity

How Can You Know if You Really Know God?

The words, “And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness’ are particularly frightening. As Christians, how are we to understand this passage? Further, what does ...

Real Christianity

What’s The Best Way to Defend Your Christian Faith?

But what should our response be? How are we to defend our faith against the increasing hostility? Are we to learn how to defend our moral positions and form strong arguments for our values? Are ...

Real Christianity

What is Biblical Worship?

In other words, the physical manifestations of worship (e.g. singing) are not the goal, they are the result. The goal is to have a heart yielded to the awe and wonder of God. When the ...

Real Christianity

Did I Choose God or Did God Choose Me?

When a person first encounters Christ, to them, it seems like they came to Christ, they accepted Christ, and they choose to follow Christ. But the Bible offers another dimension or perspective on the saving ...

Real Christianity

Should Pastors be Required to go to Seminary?

First, we must remember that Jesus did not send the Apostles out quickly or untrained. No, He formally educated these men for three years (about the same length of time to complete seminary). Second, Christians ...

Real Christianity

What is a Biblical House Church?

All of these are both important and valid questions for a generation of Christians far removed from church gatherings within a home. In this episode of Real Christianity, Relearn.org Founder, Dale Partridge offers a detailed ...

Real Christianity

What Happens After We Die?

When a person avoids the discussion of death they also avoid the discussion of judgment and eternity. As you can see, this denial produces difficult soil for the Gospel. By God’s grace, death, for the ...

Real Christianity

Does Prayer Change God’s Mind?

This question may seem too deep for the average Christian but in reality, it is an important discussion? Where is the intersection of our requests and God’s will? But more importantly, based on the answer ...

Real Christianity

Can Christian Disobedience Prevent Salvation?

These aren’t just important questions they are common questions. Many Christians wonder if their disobedience has caused cut the cord the Gospel. But what does the Bible say about this? Is it our responsibility to ...

Real Christianity

What is the Gospel?

With so many different presentations of the Gospel message, what does the Bible say about the Gospel process? In other words, what are the mechanics of this redemptive act? How can Christians better comprehend this ...

Real Christianity

How did we get the Bible?

Since, as Romans 10:17 says, “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God (or word of Christ)”, it’s critical that we can know what exactly the “Word of God” is. Is it ...

Real Christianity

The Future of Real Christianity

We want to continue the journey of seeking real Christianity. We want to search the scriptures and discover the Bible’s instructions and wisdom on church and theology. That said, this episode explains the plans we ...

Real Christianity

How and Why Christians Should Take Communion

As many know, the act of communion is so theologically dense that books upon books upon books have been written on the topic. Denominations have been created by it. Churches have been split over it. ...

Real Christianity

The First and Greatest Commandment

Unfortunately, the same is true of the second commandment—to love your neighbor as yourself. Essentially, whether we are aware of it or not, we are in constant need of God’s grace. Without Christ’s righteousness imputed ...

Real Christianity

Why Should Christians Repent if They’re Already Saved?

The answer to this important theological question comes through recognizing the difference between what Dale Partridge calls “Big-R” repentance and “Little-r” repentance. In this episode of Real Christianity, listen as he offers a biblical breakdown ...

Real Christianity

How to Have Peace in a Pandemic

In the letter to the Philippians, Paul writes, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which ...

Real Christianity

How Should Christians Navigate Politics?

But where is the balance? As followers of Jesus, we know our loyalties lie with Him. But as citizens of a geographic area where are we to lay boundaries regarding our physical, emotional, and mental ...

Real Christianity

How To Deal with Online Haters, Persecutors, and Enemies

However, this should not shock any follower of Christ. Nearly 2,000 years ago the Apostle Paul made the expectation quite clear to us. In 2 Timothy 3:12 he writes, “Indeed, all who desire to live ...

Real Christianity

How to Have Hope in a Hard Situation

In a difficult and chaotic world, it’s important that Christians be the most level headed, sober, and self-controlled group of people in existence. We should be demonstrating the joy and peace of the Gospel, not ...

Real Christianity

How the Coronavirus Might Change the Local Church, Forever

Shortly after, our board decided it would be fruitful for Dale to record an audio version of the article for the Real Christianity podcast. In this episode, you will hear the word-for-word article as well ...

Real Christianity

What is Biblical Faith and Do You Have It?

I believe we can all agree, as a Christian, understanding the definition of saving faith is the most important work of your life; without a correct understanding of faith, you can never be sure you’re ...

Real Christianity

Can Watching An Online Sermon Be Considered Church?

The root of this discussion is anchored in our definition of church. If church is “the hearing of a sermon” then digital church sufficiently meets the requirements of that definition. But if church is greater ...

Real Christianity

A Biblical Breakdown of Spiritual Gifts

That said, because we aren’t the one choosing our gifts, it can be difficult to identify which spiritual gifts have been so graciously given to us. Furthermore, without an awareness of where the Lord has ...

Real Christianity

How to Nurture a Prayer Revival

Are you one of the many Christians who struggle to break through into a powerful and consistent prayer life? You’re not alone; it is an all too common issue in the lives of believers today. ...

Real Christianity

Coronavirus and the Sovereignty of God

A health crisis can be unsettling. An outbreak of a disease can cause fear in people. But as Christians, how are we to respond to such life events? Is the Coronavirus something that surprised God? ...

Real Christianity

How Can I Know I’m Born Again?

But there is much debate over this doctrine. Do we, as fallen humans, initiate the process of our own spiritual birth, or is it God who initiates? In other words, does salvation come by man’s ...

Real Christianity

Why We Need Church Discipline?

But why do so many churches avoid church discipline? What happens if a local church refuses or neglects church discipline? Is church discipline even a vital practice for a modern church? In this episode, Dale ...

Real Christianity

The Bible’s Perspective on Singleness

Richard Phillips once eloquently “For the majority of adult Christians, singleness is not a gift but a trial.” For that reason, in this unique episode of Real Christianity, Dale and Veronica Partridge discuss the historical-cultural ...

Real Christianity

The Bible on Yoga, Enneagram, and Progressive Christianity

Historically, when a church becomes influenced by the culture it’s evidence of either biblical ignorance or spiritual deadness. That is, when you don’t understand the Gospel and the Scriptures, you can’t understand God’s expectations for ...

Real Christianity

Building a Church Culture of Contentment in an Era of Complaint

Unfortunately, the culture often influences the church more than the church influences the culture. That being said, contentment is becoming an increasingly lost virtue among Christians and is being replaced with complaints, strivings, and dissatisfaction. ...

Real Christianity

How to Fall in Love with the Bible

However, the church of today has become increasingly interested in seeking knowledge of God in ways outside of Scripture. We have elevated our emotions and creation to be valid sources for attaining theological and doctrinal ...

Real Christianity

Are You a Lukewarm Christian?

Sadly, Mr. Tozer’s prediction is more true than ever. We have a church overflowing with men and women who prefer the middle. That is, they don’t like the heat or the cold. They like to ...

Real Christianity

Is Youth Ministry Biblical?

As a church, we have seen this narrative occur in the practice of youth ministry or children’s church. What was first developed as an outreach solution for London’s orphan population has become a mainstream custom ...

Real Christianity

The Bible’s Position on Tattoos, Marijuana, and Alcohol

Tattoos, marijuana, and alcohol are common issues that ride this theological fence. In this episode of Real Christianity, Dale and Veronica Partridge discuss the biblical parameters, admonitions, and doctrine on these important topics. Additional Resources ...

Real Christianity

The Self-Love Delusion

In other words, when we read our Bible we quickly see that it teaches the opposite narrative—self-sacrifice. In fact, it’s clear that humans don’t need to learn how to love ourselves—that’s natural. What we need ...

Real Christianity

Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?

At the core, what is Halloween? I’m not asking, “What was Halloween?” But what has it become today? It’s hard to argue against the obvious—it’s a celebration of death. Skeletons, zombies, blood, decay, ghosts, and ...

Real Christianity

Are Modern Day Prophecy and Tongues Biblical?

Does God still use prophets in the church? If so, what do they do and what does the Bible say about New Testament prophecy? What about tongues? Do you need to speak in tongues to ...

Real Christianity

The Missing Element of Modern Christianity

Some think it is community; If we just had deeper community than more people will see Jesus. Others may think that is missions; If we just reached out more often to the broken and lost ...

Real Christianity

8 Simple Steps For Becoming the Spiritual Leader of Your Home

What does it mean for a man to lead his family spiritually? So many men fail to take up their role as a spiritual leader simply because they struggle to understand what that role entails ...

Real Christianity

Why All Christians Should Delight in Doctrine and Theology

Our theology is our defined view of God, which means we all have a theology. So in today’s episode, our conversation is going to help you understand if the theology you already have is, in ...

Real Christianity

Is Your Pastor Biblically Qualified?

Many Christians have most likely placed themselves under a pastor without evaluating if they meet the Bible’s criteria for such a role. It’s likely because we confuse spiritual gifting with spiritual qualifications. This is where ...

Real Christianity

Is Your Worship Music Teaching False Doctrine?

A congregation learns their theology not only by the preaching they hear but by the songs they sing. This is why we Christians must follow Paul’s example in 1 Corinthians 14:15 when he says, “I ...

Real Christianity

Can Compatibility Affect Your Marriage?

The Bible is clear, your marriage and my marriage is a mirror of the Gospel. This idea is clearly explained in Ephesians chapter five; Husbands are to be like Christ in the way He loves ...

Real Christianity

Is Christian Sabbath Saturday or Sunday?

Sabbath, as we will learn in this episode, is more than a day of rest. It’s a symbolic picture of God’s ultimate plan. In fact, we will see that Sabbath is the goal of history. ...

Real Christianity

A Biblical Breakdown of The Armor of God

The victims of spiritual warfare are those who are untrained, unprepared, and unwilling. If you are tired of being wounded by spiritual attacks, then knowing how to put on the Armor of God is your ...

Real Christianity

The Four Criteria For Creating Biblical Community

A biblical community is the natural result of people behaving and thinking like Jesus. Biblical community is not a culture that is friendly to the flesh; It’s a spiritual culture. Many Christians say they desire ...

Real Christianity

How The Bible Calls Christians to Deal with Offense

In this episode, Dale and Veronica share not only what the Bible instructs on how His children should handle moments when we’re offended, but also what they’ve learned in their years of ministry on how ...

Real Christianity

Why Christians Must Study Their Bible and Not Just Read It

The enemy is taking advantage of this generation’s biblical ignorance and illiteracy. We’re so preoccupied with the American dream (career, hobbies, vacations, family) that we’ve neglected the Christian call. We’re not only biblically illiterate, but ...

Real Christianity

Why Tithing is Biblical, but It’s Not Christian

Over the years, we’ve heard these words echoed throughout the pulpit, “The Lord tells us to bring our tithes to the storehouse!” But what is a tithe? The dictionary defines the word as “a tenth ...

Real Christianity

Why You Can’t Be Pro-Choice and Christian

While most Christians are decidedly pro-life, there are still many who claim the name of Christ yet actually identify as pro-choice. There’s an additional group of people in the church who simply sit in the ...

Real Christianity

Is It Important to Go to Church Every Sunday?

As more Christians begin to see the church as a place to go and consume rather than a place to join and contribute, the question of purposeful and committed attendance arises. But how should we ...

Real Christianity

Do All Denominations Lead People to Heaven?

In this episode, Dale and Veronica unpack two questions: The first is on denominations, and the second is on practical steps for furthering your spiritual maturity. In terms of denominations, many people are curious to ...

Real Christianity

Is Sex Before Marriage Sinful or Acceptable?

As culture continues to influence the church more than the church influences the culture, a growing number of Christians are finding themselves adopting the world’s view of sex. Now, most Christians know that premarital sex ...

Real Christianity

How to Stay Consistent with Your Bible and Prayer Time

In this episode, we answer two common questions. First, we address the difficulty of maintaining a consistent Bible reading and prayer time. In our over-stimulated lives, this discipline seems to be more and more challenging ...

Real Christianity

The 7 Criteria of a Biblical Church

As a church planter, I’ve learned that what you win people with you win people to. As Christians, we should be won only to three things: The Gospel, the Bible, and the Body of Christ. ...

Real Christianity

How Should Christians View Public Breastfeeding?

More and more women are asking the question about public breastfeeding. Is it modest and practical or shameful and private? In this episode, Dale and Veronica discuss this topic through the lens of biblical principles ...

Real Christianity

The Biblical Role of Women in the Church

When it comes to the woman’s role at church, many seem to be confused—and for good reason. There seems to be a gap between what is written in the Bible and what we are seeing ...

Real Christianity

Is it Okay For A Pastor to be Rich?

The way someone handles material wealth is a barometer of their spiritual health. The Bible is not silent about how we are to view and manage our money and possessions. In fact, the Bible talks ...

Real Christianity

What is a Biblical Man? Part 2

Welcome to episode #2 of our two-part series on biblical manhood. You can listen or watch part #1 of this series here. Additionally, we have completed a complementing two-part series for the women titled What ...

Real Christianity

What is a Biblical Man? Part 1

Welcome to our two-part series on biblical manhood. We have also completed a two-part series on biblical womanhood that you can view here. Manhood is being attacked on two major fronts in our culture. First, ...

Real Christianity

What is a Biblical Woman? Part 2

This is part two of this series. You can watch or listen to part one here. In this episode, we continue to discuss how womanhood has been twisted and distorted. The Bible, on the contrary, ...

Real Christianity

What is a Biblical Woman? Part 1

When we originally published this episode, it was just days after International Women’s Day. During this day, a flood of various definitions of womanhood were presented to the public. Veronica and I thought it was ...

Real Christianity

Should Christians Judge Other Christians?

In an emotionally driven church, the idea of judgment causes a variety of negative images and experiences to rise to the surface. We begin to think of common phrases like, “Only God can judge me” ...

Real Christianity

Is Your Bible Translation Accurate and Reliable?

We base our eternity, our values, our morals, and our way of life on the words of the Bible. But what if the words in your Bible aren’t the same words in the original Hebrew ...

Real Christianity

Should Christian Women Wear A Head Covering While Praying or Prophesying?

However, in the modern church, this practice has been kept by the men but not by the women. Why? In this episode, Dale and Veronica look at this passage to understand what it’s truly instructing ...

Real Christianity

How Ordinary Christians Can Share The Extraordinary Gospel

Less than 5% of Christians share the Gospel with one person per year. 76% of Christians do not know the mission of the Church (The Great Commission). But why? The short answer, many Christians are ...

Real Christianity
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