

Latest Posts by Dale Partridge

What is the One True Mission of the Church?

Some have called this mercy-centric missiology the “social justice gospel” while other, more conservative, proponents may argue it to be a “fully-integrated gospel.” Now, it’s obvious that both Jesus and His Apostles support and even ...

Dale Partridge

The Critical Differences Between Calvinism and Arminianism

How can I be right with my Maker? How was I made right with my Maker? The first is a futuristic discovery. The second is a historical investigation. The first must obviously precede the second ...

Dale Partridge

Get Notified About the New House Church Book

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Dale Partridge

Four Types of Church Members Who Destroy The Flock

As pastors, shepherds, and lay-leaders in a local house church, we must not only be vigilant in regards to who is admitted into our church’s membership but also watchful within our members to recognize and ...

Dale Partridge

Prepare Your Family for the Culture War with Biblical Truth.