

Latest Posts by Dale Partridge

From Living Room to Sanctuary: Why Dale Partridge is Going from ‘Home Church Pastor’ to ‘Traditional Church Planter’

After being part of a biblical house church for several years, I was sent out to establish our own plant in Bend, Oregon, in 2017. However, due to health reasons, our family relocated to the ...

Dale Partridge

Resolving the Question: Should Women Teach Other Women Theology?

As you may know, this topic has caused a significant discussion regarding biblical boundaries for women and women’s ministries. During this public discussion, several influential women made comments. Some were helpful and respectful, while others ...

Dale Partridge

A Simple Explanation for the Necessity of the Virgin Birth of Christ

Obviously, this reality is what makes Jesus’ birth not merely natural but supernatural. However, many critics and Christians alike view the virgin birth as some accessory narrative that has been tacked onto the story of ...

Dale Partridge

The Masculinity of Christ in the Face of Effeminate Christianity

Upon arrival, fuel was pouring down the driveway and the aircraft’s engine was still running. My dad, knowing the risky circumstances of broken electrical, the engine’s heat, and loose fuel looked at me and said, ...

Dale Partridge

Prepare Your Family for the Culture War with Biblical Truth.