

Latest Posts by Dale Partridge

Demonstrating Repentance by Word and Deed

Last month, I published a statement of repentance concerning the misleading language used in my biography regarding my academic credentials. This misrepresentation led many to believe I held a degree when, in truth, I had only completed ...

Dale Partridge

How Dale Partridge Embraced Calvinism, Postmillennialism, And Infant Baptism

I say that because recently, a Christian commentator accused me of making “big theological shifts” at “lightning speed.” While I do have fancy footwork on the dance floor, when it comes to my theology, I’m ...

Dale Partridge

Is Dale Partridge a Plagiarist?

Although I stopped this blatant form of plagiarism after my conversion in late 2014, I struggled with more subtle forms of plagiarism until 2018-2019. Primarily due to the fast-paced nature of creating online content, I ...

Dale Partridge

The Need For Demonstrating Repentance by Word and Deed

Last month, I published a statement of repentance (seen at the bottom of this page) concerning the misleading language used in my biography regarding my academic credentials. Though I never stated I had a degree, I wanted ...

Dale Partridge

Prepare Your Family for the Culture War with Biblical Truth.