
Latest Posts by Keifer Navey

The Difference Between Topical and Expository Preaching

Expository preaching and topical preaching need not be like the familiar buddy-cop story we find often in movies like Lethal Weapon, Men in Black, or most of Bruce Willis’s catalog. In these common stories, it ...

Keifer Navey

Book Review: Everyday Matters by Brandon D. Crowe

Enter: Every Day Matters by Dr. Brandon Crowe, associate professor of New Testament at Westminster Theological Seminary. Crowe gives you the reasons and tools on how to build a productive life all to the glory ...

Keifer Navey

Book Review: Superheroes Can’t Save You by Todd Miles

People also love heresies. That’s a crazy left turn, isn’t it? But it’s also true. Through the centuries of the Church, the orthodox has always had to fight to hold the line on sound biblical ...

Keifer Navey

Book Review: Reformed Preaching by Joel Beeke

One of these recent magnificent volumes is Reformed Preaching by Joel Beeke. It is no exaggeration when I say that I used two highlighters with this book. Literally, every single page in this book is ...

Keifer Navey

Prepare Your Family for the Culture War with Biblical Truth.