We're a digital missions ministry aimed at strengthening biblical and theological literacy in the church.

Three Distinctives


We are committed to the recovery of the biblical Gospel, the affirming of the historic Christian faith as expressed in the five solas of the Protestant Reformation, and the continued proclamation of Christ throughout the world.


We affirm historic, evangelical Christianity as confessed in the Apostles’ Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Westminster Statement of Faith.

Statement of Faith


We believe the central ministry of the church is the Great Commission—the proclamation of the Gospel, the act of baptism, and discipleship in biblical doctrine.

Founded in 2017 by Dale Partridge, Relearn.org was established as an effort to help Christians know their Bible, understand theology, and foster Gospel fluency.

Our Companion Ministries

Mail the Gospel

Giving every Christian the opportunity to share a biblically accurate and beautifully designed presentation of the Gospel by through the mail

Reformation Seminary

A one-year, graduate-level theological school designed to train men to exegete, preach, shepherd, and plant a biblical house church.

Stand In Victory

A simple, online, Gospel-centered program for breaking free from the bondage of pornography.